Orders are shipped within 2 business days after they're received. Orders are shipped Monday through Friday except for National Holidays. Our standard shipping is 2 to 7 days.
Need it faster? We also offer express shipping methods USPS Priority & FedEx 2Day®. Express orders will be shipped the same business day if the order is made before 12:00 pm PST. All other orders will be shipped the same business day if the order is made before 2:00 pm PST. For more information, visit our Shipping Policy.
We do our best to check each order before it ships, but sometimes mistakes happen. If you are ever missing an item or notice that an item was damaged in transit, please let us know right away, and be sure to have a photo or two available so our team can help you out quickly.
We try to do everything through our website, but you're always welcome to email or call in orders. If you're having trouble getting in contact with us during our business hours, please leave a detailed voicemail so the next available customer service representative can give you a call back.
Please contact FSFC if there is a brand or product you would like added.
Found a lower price? Reach out to orders@mystockjoy.com and there's a good chance we'll match it.
We have a 30-day return policy to ensure you are completely satisfied with your purchase.
To start a return, contact us by email with the order number and reason for return. You will be responsible for shipping the product back. The original shipping cost is non-refundable, and return labels will not be provided except in special circumstances. Once the product is received at our office, and the criteria above have been met, we will issue the refund.
For more information, visit our Return & Refund Policy.
Our products are only visible for FS salon accounts. Make sure you are signed in to the email associated with your account. If you are a new customer, please sign up for your account here.
Once logged in, select the Rewards button on the bottom left. From there, you can redeem your points, as well as locate any coupons you've already redeemed.
Please note that rewards coupons cannot be used with other promotions.